I love year-end reflections of all kinds, so it’s no surprise I had to see which articles were our most popular in 2021 as determined by you! These are the posts that had the most pageviews, the ones you liked and shared the most. Maybe you’ll find an old favorite here or some fresh inspiration to carry you into the New Year!

16 Math Games You Can Play With Cards or Dice
This was your favorite post of the year by far! In it we show you how with a few simple materials you probably already have on hand, your child can practice basic math skills and have fun doing it. This article is perfect example of how homeschooling doesn’t need to be complicated or expensive to be effective.

Discovering Your Homeschool Style Quiz
This interactive quiz helped many of you zero in on your homeschool style and find great resources that align with your values and your goals for your child’s education.

Can I Pull My Child Out of Public School?
With more families turning to home education than ever before, it’s no surprise this article, where we break down the details of pulling your child out of traditional school, was one of our most popular.

Getting Started with Nature Journaling
We get a lot of messages about nature journaling (what it is, how to do it, and what about if my kids hate it?!). In this article, we answered all your most frequently asked nature journaling questions.

10 Best Books to Encourage Your Heart as a Homeschool Mom
We’re often asked what homeschool books we recommend, and all our favorites made it into this article! If you’re looking for a read for 2022 that will help your sharpen your vision as a homeschooler and inspire you with the confidence to keep going, any of these titles would be an excellent choice.
Homeschooling Philosophies and Methods
In this article a homeschool mama of 3 shares what she learned as she made the exciting decision to homeschool and how learning about homeschool philosophies helped her narrow down her curriculum choices and make a confident decision about which resources to use.

10 Reasons to Homeschool
There are lots of different reasons families choose homeschooling. If you’re on the fence about the decision to homeschool, here are ten reasons to prayerfully consider.

College Prep Math
Hard work is learned when persistence is required to be successful. Learning a strong work ethic is the result of doing difficult things. Such as math. In this article, you’ll learn how to create a college prep math program starting in 7th grade and gain some valuable perspective on what college prep math can do for your student.

How to Create a High School Transcript for Your Homeschool
If you’re wondering how you could possibly summarize four full years of homeschooling on one little page and how to figure out a GPA, this homeschool mom will show you the format she uses in creating transcripts for her children: what to include, how to create the document, and why it’s important for you and your student.

Thinking About Homeschooling? Here’s Our Best Advice
In this article we invited seasoned homeschoolers like Leslie Martino, Jennifer Pepito, and Heather Woodie to share their best advice for transitioning from traditional school to homeschool and silencing the doubts and fears we all face.
Interested in more Homeschool Compass favorites? Check out our top 10 posts from 2020 and from 2019.
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The Freedom of Home Education and How It Has Benefited My Life
Homeschooling 101: Your Homeschool FAQs Answered
Loving Your Homeschool Space: Advice from 6 Veteran Homeschoolers