High School

6 Reasons Why Colleges Recruit Homeschool Graduates

One stereotype of homeschoolers is that they are nerdy geeks lacking social skills. Yet colleges vigorously recruit homeschoolers. What do the colleges see in homeschool graduates that the rest of society is missing? My own two homeschoolers were sweet, wonderful, nerdy kids. And they both earned full tuition scholarships to […]

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Why I Don’t Regret Being Homeschooled

I’m an autistic 19-year-old junior in college named Rebecca Giles. I was homeschooled, and I feel that this allowed me to achieve far more than I could have in an institutional school environment, because homeschooling is more adaptable to each student’s individual needs, strengths, and interests. Homeschooling was uniquely right […]

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A Graduation Speech

As I type this, I am preparing for our fifth high school graduation and looking forward to the celebration of this milestone in our son’s life. At the same time, I am having an emotional crisis. No matter how many times we go through this, it just seems surreal as […]

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