We can probably all agree that having a vision for your homeschooling family is imperative. It sets the foundation on which to build upon, as well as something to fall back on when the road gets a little rocky.

A new year is perhaps the most perfect time to write down your vision. Everyone has renewed energy and there’s a sense of things starting fresh. It’s the ideal time to wipe the slate clean and just focus on you and your family.

Having a vision is important for a number of reasons. Most of all, it will help provide a point to return to on those days, weeks where nothing seems to be going right.  You know the ones – they’re the days where nothing seems to get done and you find yourself questioning your decisions. We’ve all been there.

By taking the time out to write your vision statement, you’ll find other decisions will come much more easily. It will help you make better, more informed decisions – from what curriculum you want to purchase, to which extra-curricular activities you think will help work towards that overarching vision.

So, with this in mind, here are some steps we think will be helpful for those planning to write their own vision statement…

Step 1 – Set Time Aside

Probably not as easy as it sounds, but it really is so important to the process. To truly focus on the task at hand, we recommend taking a day or maybe more to really think about your vision.

Step 2 – Write a Wishlist

This is a chance to acknowledge all those thoughts and ideas that crossed your mind in years previous that you just haven’t had the chance to bring to life. On top of that, we also recommend taking some time to research, research, research! Read homeschooling articles, blog posts, talk to other homeschoolers and get a little inspiration. When you’re done, create a list of ideas or techniques that you think might be beneficial to your child’s learning.

Step 3 – Ask Yourself Some Questions

Look back at what you’ve done as a homeschooling family so far. Reflecting on the previous years can provide some much needed perspective. Some questions you might ask are:

  • Why did we start homeschooling?
  • What did we hope to achieve when we started homeschooling?
  • What trials and tribulations have we experienced along the way?
  • What has and hasn’t worked for our children?

Once you’ve spent some time looking to the past, turn your attentions to the future with questions like:

  • What are the long-term goals and where will our homeschool journey end? Do they want to go to college? Or pursue a job straight after graduation? 
  • How do we want our children to feel about their homeschooling experience when they look back?
  • What are your desires for your homeschool? Do you want to encourage more social activities? To incorporate more travel into learning experiences?

Step 4 – Write That Vision Down

Write yourself a short statement that encompasses all the points you’ve jotted down above. Avoid the temptation to write a novel – we know that can be hard! – and keep it concise. You may even prefer to write your vision as a series of bullet points. Whatever works for you.

Don’t forget, after all this, your vision statement is likely to change as time passes – but the important thing is that it is there. Keep it close and in a place you will view it often. It will provide the stability and support you need to guide you whenever you need reminding of just what it is you are working towards.

Enjoy this post? Read on, and sign up for our homeschool newsletter.

10 Reasons to Homeschool

3 Questions to Ask As You Plan Your Homeschool Year

Homeschooling for a Season

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Stacey is the social media editor at Christianbook.com. When she isn’t writing captions for social accounts, she spends her free time cooking, traveling, and combining these two activities in her never-ending search for the world’s best burrito.