Make this your family’s best summer of reading ever with these free summer reading lists! We want to help you build a culture of reading in your home with titles you can trust to uphold your family’s values. That’s why we’ve put together these book lists with ten recommendations for every grade level to keep your kids busy reading this summer. Grab the book lists in printable form here along with some fun tracker sheets.


First Grade

Second Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Fifth Grade

Sixth Grade

Seventh Grade

Eighth Grade

Ninth Grade

Tenth Grade

Eleventh Grade

Twelfth Grade

Don’t forget to grab your FREE summer reading printable to get these book lists in printable form along with some fun pages to track your summer reading.

Need even more book recommendations?

Check out these articles for some more of our summer favorites.

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Aimee grew up in rural Michigan, where she was captivated by Jesus as a teenager and married her high school sweetheart. Together they moved to New England where they homeschool their two children together. Aimee has a Master's degree in Biblical Languages from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. She enjoys exploring new places, reading great stories, and enjoying the outdoors with her family.