Today as we continue with our series highlighting what the different members of the Homeschool Compass Team are choosing for their own homeschools, we hear from Christina, who will be homeschooling with a 1st grader and a two-year-old this fall:

My children are very young, so we are really just getting started. Here are some of my favorite materials we’ve been using for kindergarten learning.
Math and Writing:
I love the workbooks from Kumon and Smart Alec. We also use Kumon workbooks for geography and thinking skills.
My favorite resource for teaching reading is Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. We supplement our reading lessons with Beginner’s Bible books, the God I Need to Talk to You series, and Smart Alec Reading Comprehension workbooks.
Going Forward:
As we transition from kindergarten to first grade, we are thinking of using Abeka Online. My son loves virtual learning! Or we might go with the Grade 1 ACE PACE workbooks from Accelerated Christian Education. I’m still deciding what to try out as we find what works for us.
For more of our curriculum picks, check out:
Alene’s Homeschool Curriculum Picks for 7th Grade