Homeschool Hacks

Educating With Animals

When people think of careers where they have the opportunity to work with animals, they might think of a zookeeper, veterinarian, marine biologist, or farmer. I had no interest in those careers because I wanted to be a teacher, but I still wanted to work with animals. I was able […]

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15 Ways to Help Kids Learn and Explore Outside

We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Kristin Moon of Kristin Moon Science back to the Homeschool Compass. If you’ve seen Dr. Moon’s previous article, you know that prioritizing time in the outdoors offers many benefits for us and for our kids. Sometimes we’re just not sure what to do when we get outside. After we’ve gone to all the trouble of getting our kids outdoors, what can we do to keep them excited and learning once they’re there? Dr. Moon has some great advice for us. Enjoying the outdoors as a family doesn’t need […]

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