Ever have one of those days where all the good things you wanted to do didn’t get done? Or is it just me? I usually end up moving those things to the next day’s plans. And, sometimes, by the third or fourth move, they get done out of sheer willpower to not have to move them one more day!

Though some things are fine to skip for a day, or a week, there is one thing we cannot afford to miss. When it comes to the things of God and daily discipleship, we need to seize this homeschool day! We are leaving a daily legacy whether we realize it or not. And if we keep putting off the best things for just the good things, we may miss the eternal things. And by the time we realize it, it can be too late or too hard to undo.

But we don’t have to wait for just the right moment or time in our schedule; we can bring Biblical principles into every course, every conversation, and every crunchy character issue. We want to seize all those in-between moments and capture them for eternity so that we are leaving a legacy for the future.

Daily Discipleship

Besides the spiritual disciplines of Bible reading, prayer, and service, what else counts as daily discipleship? I would say it is in all the unplanned moments when children raise questions, or get into conflict, or struggle with emotions of many kinds. When there is grief or anxiety or hurt feelings. When there is joy and triumph and praise. These all qualify as discipling moments. Being together daily as a family brings forth eternal conversations on temporal things. It’s that daily iron sharpening iron of living and moving and being in the same environment together. Those interruptions to the schedule become the God-ordained moments where His plan is being accomplished even though you may need to forego yours.

Daily Legacy

Morning planning time, morning circle time, morning basket time, or whatever you choose to call it, when you gather together with your children, this is the time to be intentionally planting seeds in their hearts and minds. When planning your day, you are intentionally giving priority to the things of God. After you go over your day’s events and homeschool plans with your family, pray that God’s will would be done, God’s hand would be seen, and God’s Word would be heard and obeyed this day.

Daily Living

Those of us who have older children can attest to the fact that you can talk about your Christianity all day, but if you are not living it, your talk will come up against deaf ears and hardened hearts. Our children can clearly see through our hypocrisy. If we require obedience to a bunch of Biblical rules without being a Godly example or providing a loving relationship in which to practice those rules, don’t be surprised if you see rebellion. If you
are loving and kind in form, firm and unwavering in faith, and living out a Godly life in fear and humility, you will be the legacy your children desire to follow and emulate to their own children. The fruit of living a Godly life now in front of your children will be the joy of someday watching your children do the same. Someone once said, “You teach what you know, but you reproduce who you are.”

Daily Feeding

I don’t know about you, but when I forego times with the LORD, I can feel the spiritual starvation begin to creep in. Spiritual hunger begins to diminish my faith, weaken my resolve, and steal my joy. Just as my body can become weak due to starvation, I can easily become spiritually tired and weak when I am not feeding my spirit and soul daily. Don’t go hungry as your weakness may cause you to neglect feeding your children what is good and lovely. Force feed yourself the Word of God until your hunger for it returns. If in crisis, let God’s Word be your drip line. Don’t let your children go hungry, either! Feed them daily what would nourish their souls and spirits so they can grow strong in their faith, especially in these turbulent times.

Daily Influence

Be intentional about your influence—not just being aware that we are leaving an impression or influence wherever we are, but intentionally leaving a good/Godly influence. We do that by allowing the reflection of Who God is in us to be distributed outwardly to those around us. Your influence today affects generations. I remember when I was a young mom, I would hear myself talk to my children and think, “My mom would have said the same thing in the same way!” Your children are going to grow up and hear your voice in their minds. What will they hear? What will they remember you saying, and how will they remember you saying it? Were you kind, loving, and patient? If not, ask God to change you today so that the voice you leave will be more His than yours.

It will not be a question of if we influence our children, but how. What will that influence look like in the future? And what about today? Who is right in front of you that God wants you to influence today? The word grace (or charis in Greek) means this: God’s divine influence on our heart, and its reflection in our life. Who can we reflect God’s grace to this day?

For a Godly legacy to remain we must plant today and every day. Every word, every action, every attitude, every work, every lesson plan, is a seed sown. What you plant today will bear fruit—whether that is a weed or a strong plant. “Lord, move us out of the way that the seeds sown are of You and not me. Let me be a reflection of You.”

Our influence will be multi-generational, so we must be very intentional about the legacy of influence we leave, starting today.

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Galatians 6:9).

Building a Biblical Family Legacy

What you do every day with your family will become a strong memory and a lasting legacy in the lives of your children. Try these suggestions to create a Biblical family legacy starting today. Plant the seeds today that will reap the only fruit that will last. Here are some suggestions:

  • Children have a quiet devotion time every day with you or independently.
  • Read the Bible aloud together or independently every day.
  • Use a Bible Reading Plan and let the children mark off the chapters.
  • Memorize Scripture together through copywork, repetition, or song.
  • Use a Scripture as copywork every week until memorized.
  • Illuminate the Scripture with color and embellishments.
  • Try Scripture Coloring Bibles.
  • Learn the books of the Bible through song.
  • Use Scripture Journaling Bibles.
  • Use highlighters or colored pencils, and mark various themes with different colors.
  • Have family discussions about the Scriptures.
  • Listen to audio Bibles or Bible apps (Bible.com; Gideon’s Bible app).
  • Gather for prayer and look up Scriptures when questions arise or in time of need.
  • Pray for your children and pray with your children every day.
  • Post Scriptures on your doors and walls and mirrors.
  • Watch encouraging Biblical movies, debates, and documentaries.
  • Bring Christ into every curriculum, class work, or course.
  • Serve in ministry together as a family.
  • Attend Biblical seminars, camp meetings, webinars, and ministry events with your family.
  • Reach out as a family to the needy and hurting in your community.
  • Don’t neglect the gathering together with other believers.
  • Don’t let a day go by without doing at least one thing of eternal value.

Copyright 2023, The Old Schoolhouse®. Used with permission. All rights reserved by the Author. Originally appeared in the Fall 2023 issue of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, the trade publication for homeschool moms.

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Deborah Wuehler is wife to Richard and mom to eight gifts from heaven. She loves digging for buried treasure in the Word, reading, writing, homeschooling, and dark chocolate!