Father’s Day is a day when we tell our dads how much we love them and appreciate them. Make a Father’s Day card and these suncatchers to celebrate your dad on Father’s Day!

- Colored cardstock or construction paper
- Scissors
- Glue stick or liquid glue
- Colored tissue paper
- Wax or parchment paper
- Modge Podge (optional)
- Tape
Step One:
Print out the heart, tie, and dad frame template on colored cardstock or construction paper.

Step Two:
Cut out each shape on the outside and inside line. You can cut through the corner of each shape to get inside. You will glue it back together later. Also cut out the letters “D-A-D.”

Step Three:
Cut lots of tiny pieces of different colored tissue paper.

Step Four:
On a big piece of wax paper or parchment paper, glue down the tissue paper pieces. Try to overlap the pieces and have a couple of layers. For the “Dad” frame, glue the letters “DAD” down first and glue the tissue paper over the letters.
Once you have glued down a large area of tissue paper pieces, lay the frames on top of the tissue paper. Make sure the tissue paper covers all the areas inside the frame. If you can still see the wax paper, add some more tissue paper. Once you have enough tissue paper glued down, gently paint modge podge over all the tissue paper if you have some. If you don’t have any, it’s ok. Glue the frames on top on top of the tissue paper. Wait for it to dry.

Step Five:
While you are waiting for your suncatchers to dry, print out the Father’s Day card template. Color in the pictures and write what you love about your dad and what you are thankful for. Cut out each rectangle. Fold a piece of construction paper in half. Glue “Happy Father’s Day” on the front and what you wrote on the inside.

Step Six:
Once your suncatchers are dry, cut around each frame to remove any extra tissue paper. After you have cut them out, gently peel the wax paper away from the back of the tissue paper. If you did not put modge podge on top, be very gentle with them as tissue paper is fragile and can tear easily.
On Father’s Day, tape your suncatchers to a window and give your dad his card! Tell him Happy Father’s Day!!

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