Is your child fascinated by the tiny creatures they find out in nature? Are you doing an insect unit study in your homeschool? If so, download this free printable Insect Activity Book to help your children learn more about these amazing animals.

In this 26-page packet you will find:
What Is an Insect? This colorful fact sheet summarizes the characteristics common to members of the insect class.
Types of Bees: Learn about the 3 types of bees and how they function in a hive.
Insect Life Cycles: Study the 4 stages of a bee’s life and a butterfly’s life. Then complete a fun cutting and gluing activity to practice what you’ve learned.
Parts of an Insect: Use these 4 colorful worksheets to label the different parts of a ladybug, butterfly, ant and bee.
Insect Word Search: Find the insect related words hidden in this word puzzle.
Insect Scavenger Hunt: Head outside and see how many of these insects you can find.
Insect Flashcards: These colorful flashcards depict 14 of the most common members of the insect class. Print two copies on card stock to make your own memory match game.
Coloring Pages: Check out these 3 printable coloring pages featuring bees, ladybugs, dragonflies, and butterflies.
Insect Glossary: This fact sheet provides helpful definitions for some key insect related terms.
We would love to see how you use these insect printables in your homeschool! If you share a photo on social media, be sure to tag us @homeschoolcompass or use the hashtag #homeschoolcompass
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